Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Getting Back in the Kitchen- Chicken and Chorizo Paella

Photo Source- Channel 4, 4food website.

A few weeks ago I made myself a promise that I was going to start cooking again. I've always loved to cook, but throughout my time at Uni, I've gotten a little lazy in the old kitchen. It's so much easier just to stick something in the oven! With a view of being more productive and pro-active however, I've decided to get my pots and pans out again and start making some tasty dishes.

Today's effort was a chicken and chorizo paella.

I've never made paella before but I had a pretty good idea what it's supposed to turn out like. I found a recipe on 4food and thought it looked simple enough for me to give a go. (I live in the wake of many a failed risotto so simplicity really was key here!)

I'm not going to lie, I'm so impressed with how well the paella actually turned out. Timing is not my strong point and after getting flustered halfway through cooking I was half expecting a big, stodgy mess to appear on my plate! Surprisingly though the result was the perfect consistency and the rise was deliciously tender. Smoked paprika mixed with the chorizo gave a the dish a lovely strong flavour while the peppers and tomatoes kept it nice and fresh. I will definitely be making it again!

For any other paella novices out there, I definitely recommend you give this recipe a try. It's so simple and the finished dish is lovely. Happy cooking!

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